At Sacred Heart of Jesus Church our children’s program is priority. Our mission is to pass on our faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ to the children.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
During Sunday mass the Children are blessed by the Priest or Deacon and then dismissed from Mass to Gabriel Hall to share the Liturgy of the Word on a level more age appropriate for them. They return to Mass for the Eucharistic celebration. The Children Liturgy of the Word welcomes all children, especially the ones in preschool and elementary grades.
Parish School of Religion (PSR)
PSR classes are for all children in grades PreK through High School. The classes are scheduled for Sunday mornings from 10:15 am until 11:30 am. The PSR program starts in September and lasts through May. To register your child for PSR please click here.
Children's Choir
Children's Choir meets on the last Sunday of each month after mass during the months of September through May. Children meet to praise the Lord together through singing and fellowship. Music is taught by Ken Hall. Ken has a great experience as a choir director and joyfully shares his talent with children of all ages. New members are always welcome to join the choir.
About our PSR Coordinator
My name is Aga Chandler and I am the Coordinator of Religious Education Program here at Sacred Heart. I have been Catholic all my life. Being born and raised in Poland, I was blessed with the best Catholic upbringing one can get. I truly believe that parents are the first and most important teachers of their children and this is most true if it comes to our spiritual life. I am grateful to my parents and grandparents for passing onto me the dogma, the knowledge, the importance of daily prayers and Holy Mass, and most of all the love of God our Father. Growing up I was inspired by the holy people that walked on the same soil as me and were considered blessed and saints soon after their death. My childhood was shaped by field trips to places where Saint Pope John Paul II, Saint Faustyna Kowalska or Saint Maximillian Kolbe (to name a few) lived and worked. I am honored to pass all my passion for Living a Catholic Life to the children of Sacred Heart. As a parent of four active kids myself, I know how important it is to introduce them early on into the realms of Catholic Faith and to encourage them to continue living their life with eyes and hearts turned to Jesus.
Aga F. Chandler, PSR Coordinator
At Sacred Heart, we are very blessed to have great and dedicated team of Catechists. They work hard to guide the students through the particular program set for each grade. Their own practice of faith and their love for Christ is the foundation for strong faith formation. We are grateful to our Catechist for their dedication and hard work in guiding and teaching our children the path of Christ.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
The Sacrament of Holy Communion, also known as Eucharist, is a sacred occasion for all Catholics. For children, their First Holy Communion is celebrated annually in May. In order to participate in the celebration of First Holy Communion, children attend weekly Parish School of Religion (PSR) classes from September through May. These classes are needed in order to adequately prepare for the Sacrament. PSR helps children attain the Church requirement of “sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so as to understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity, and receive the Body of the Lord with faith and devotion.” The sacramental preparation to receive the First Holy Communion takes two years and starts in first grade.
Through the Sacrament of Confirmation the Confirmand (person receiving the sacrament) is enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands and the anointing with Holy Chrism (oil) by the Bishop. Confirmation brings the process of Christian initiation to completion. The life long journey of faith formation continues as the fully initiated develop spiritually and participate in the life of God.
In the Diocese of Shreveport the normal age for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is fourteen (14). The preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation lasts two years and starts in 7th grade. The first of these two years, the candidates are formed in the nature of the sacrament, its biblical foundations and catechetical formation. The second of these two years has as its focus the spiritual formation for its reception.
"Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven
belongs to such as these." Mt. 19:14